John Maguire 
John Maguire (MRICS, ACIarb), who comes from County Fermanagh, graduated from Ulster Polytechnic in 1981, with a Diploma in Estate Management. His professional career commenced in the public sector where his primary involvement was with planned maintenance, refurbishment and improvement of housing.
A move to private practice in 1985 afforded extensive experience in more diverse surveying activities involving office, retail and industrial property. It was while employed in private practice that John successfully completed the professional examinations of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, gaining Membership in 1990.
In addition to practical surveying activities, he has particular interest in construction contracts, landlord/ tenant matters and presentation of expert witness evidence in legal disputes. In pursuance of his interests in building disputes resolution, he achieved Associate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in 1994.